Femtech Global Market Map - released by fermata Inc., (Nov 2020)


Fermata Inc., has released the latest Global Femtech Market Map in Nov 2020.


What is Femtech?

The term was coined by combining the words "Female" and "Technology" and refers to services and products that use technology to solve health issues such as menstruation, pregnancy and menopause.

How to use this map

  • You can post it on your personal blog, social networking service, etc. without contacting us. However, please be sure to post a full image of the map, please refrain from using a portion of the map. In addition, please indicate the source (this site).
  • If you would like detailed data for each category, detailed information on each company, and seek collaboration with any of the companies mentioned, please contact info@hellofermata.com for fee-based services.
  • If you would like to learn more about this market map, we offer the Femtech seminar. Please contact us at info@hellofermata.com.

Nov 2020 Edition Global Femtech Market Map


In the past six months, the number of companies has increased from 369 in the last survey to 581 companies in 36 countries. (212 more companies ✨), illustrating the momentum in the femtech space world wide. 

 There were also 66 companies that have disappeared from the map in the six months since the last survey due to listing, acquisition, pivot or bankruptcy. 

Selection Criteria

  • Seed or higher, pre-IPO
  • Established after 2000

All companies listed have met Fermata’s criteria for offering products and/or services that address women's health challenges.

Introduction to each category

 PERIOD HEALTH  (126) +43


  • There are more line-ups of period panties and menstrual cups.
  •  Amidst the vast ocean of menstrual cycle tracking apps, new apps like Elara provide a comprehensive range of services beyond cycle management, including exercise and nutrition,



  • Birth control comparison sites like The Lowdown and contraceptive pill subscription service Kin have made contraceptive pills more accessible.
  • Services targeting Endometriosis (PERLA Health) have risen as a new trend and the use of digital health platforms have increased (e.g., MAVEN). 
  • Kegel-based products and services (both smart tech device and simple weights) that strengthen the pelvic floor muscles (elvie, HyIvy) also continue to emerge. 


  • Due to COVID-19, sales of sex toys surged in Italy, Spain, and other countries. In New Zealand, sales tripled after the lockdown*. Sales of ‘Teledildonics’, a vibrator for long-distance couples, and Womanizer, a suction massage toy for women, are on the rise. 
  • The global sexual wellness market is expected to grow to $40 billion by 2025. This momentum is directly reflected in the FemTech market. 


  • With the rise in the number of women choosing single motherhood and same-sex couples, products and services in the field of pregnancy and infertility have emerged to meet that demand.
  • COVID-19 has increased the popularity of at-home testing kits and cycle tracking devices such as Grip Fertility 
  •  Unique fertility products, such as mosie baby and FERTI-LILY, are now available that break down conventional values in a positive way. 
  • Devices that predict fertility by saliva and breath (inne, breathe ilo, etc.) have emerged.  



  • The number of pregnant women and families who have difficulty in visiting their gynecologists and clinics due to the COVID-19 lockdown has increased, and the popularity of monitoring devices has increased, especially in the United States. 
  • Devices such as Bloomlife, Baby-Scan, and doppli, which can track the mother's vitals in addition to fetal movement and heartbeats, are gaining attention and are expected to be used in clinical practice. 

MENOPAUSE (44) +29

  • This is a trend area with clear growth compared to the March 2020 edition. More women continue to work through menopause and step into managerial positions drive demand for products that address the symptoms of menopause.  
  • There is an emergence of non-hormonal treatments and devices such as Syrona Health.


  • Although comparatively few companies focus exclusively on women's mental health, the impact of COVID-19 has led to an increasing number of companies and clinics incorporating online counseling and therapy as part of their services. 
  • MomsWell, for example, provides lecture services to health professionals on how to support and treat mothers suffering from postpartum depression.  


That's all for Nov 2020 update. Thank you for your continued support of fermata.

 ■fermata information■

Launched in October 2019, fermata's vision is "Transforming Taboo into Triumphs” by providing a platform for women to showcase the exciting solutions that are emerging all over the world. We aim to equip women with the tools and knowledge about their bodies to achieve their individual  goal and create a world that is easier to live in, not only for women, but for everyone.

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Singapore online store (fermata's little sister) : https://sg.hellofermata.com/